Australia: a constant and evolving source of inspiration
Australia is known the world over for its laidback and easygoing lifestyle. These characteristics have also been the source of inspiration for Natio, from the very beginning.
Launched in Melbourne more than 25 years ago, Natio’s mission was to create skincare and beauty products that were uncomplicated, fuss-free and refreshingly real - a reflection of Australians themselves. This same mission holds true today.
By staying true to this philosophy, Natio’s product lineup has stood the test of time, remaining relevant and embraced on our own shores, and providing customers around the world a slice of the Australian way.
Natio skincare formations have been designed for simplicity of use, enjoyment of application and efficacy in providing heathy, happy skin results.
Ingredients are sourced from nature and used for their ability to help achieve healthy, glowing skin. Botanical extracts and essential oils are used throughout the range, including native ingredients such as Lemon Ironbark, Kakadu Plum, Muntrie, Tea Tree and Desert Lime (see Natio Spirit range).
Natio’s beloved island home is also renowned for its diverse, resilient and truly unique landscape - also a primary source of inspiration for Natio, specifically in its colour cosmetic offering. Natio’s makeup range proudly reflects the beautiful palettes of Australia’s natural landscapes and vibrant flora. You’ll find this in the shimmering sea, sand and shell tones of Natio eyeshadows, radiant sunlit bronzing powders, petal pink lip colour shades and the colours of a dazzling west coast sunset bottled to brighten nails. Australia offers no shortage of natural beauty.
Natio supports local industry. All skincare is made in Australia, alongside the majority of the business’ cosmetics offering. The entire spectrum of Natio products is 100% designed in Australia and Australian owned. Wherever possible, the business works with Australian owned and operated manufacturers and suppliers as a priority.
Even Natio’s leafy ‘home amongst the gum trees’, surrounded by wattle and gum in Melbourne, provides a connection to nature and another nod to its ‘Australian-ness’.
Australian through and through, Natio loves its home, cherishes its uniqueness and invites you to share in that joy by supporting your favourite Aussie brands and makers - today and into the future.